Uniquely enchanting, ethereal and magical. I’m so excited to share with you a pretty awesome vegan human (as she herself describes her) & artist (how I would describe her). And no, it’s not Keira Knightley, even though they have the same calm voice, brown eyes, and lovely presence. It’s DottieJames, and she is going to change her life for 365 days, and I have thus far followed her experiment since week 1.

It’s so inspiring to see her take action and share the journey of setting goals, failing, trying again, doing it well, falling again, and growing. So inspiring that I wanted to share this with you, because DottieJames is what I would truly define as a human sunflower. She’s mindful, intentional & courageous. Shining light on others as she blooms.
Today at 10 am. EST (that is 4 pm. Norwegian time) I send off another letter from my heart to those who’s signed up for human sunflower insights. This time I will share knowledge & thoughts especially for stressed out students on how to find your center when everything is a chaos 📚 – ONLY for human sunflower insights subscribers!
Sign up for Human Sunflower Insights
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