Lovely human sunflowers, I wanted to dedicate the upcoming Sundays to be the day during the week to remind ourselves of shining light, and for that, we need inspiration. Yes, we need inspiration to keep shining light on ourselves and others for all that we are – with all of our strengths & growing edges (weaknesses)! I hope you enjoy this week’s shine!

Do you believe the big difference is in the details you do every single day? Then, the podcast TINY LEAPS BIG CHANGES is for you. The host, Gregg Clunis, does a great job on making personal development fairly easy to grasp by thinking of personal development as something achievable and actionable for everyone. Personally, I’m tuning in to the weekly episodes to get a boost of energy, motivation & new knowledge on building a meaningful life. I catch myself smiling and nodding when listening. For me, the most useful episode this far has by far been nr. 269 – How to Overcome Your Fears (feat. Akshay Nanavati). Akshay is the author of the book Fearvana about how he turns his fears into his greatest strengths. Very thought-provoking episode! (I use the Podcast app Overcast, and you’ll find TINY LEAPS BIG CHANGES there) Wherever you are, make the time to sit down with a cup of tea, and enjoy 💐

I’d love to hear what your week’s shine inspiration is!
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