Sometimes I get a little overboard with things and overwhelmed, cluttered, and messy in my mind, and my life, and my space. So it’s times like these where I feel like I need to take a step back and reset my life. This happened recently and I just simply cleared my schedule for the day and gave myself a self-care date.
In this video, I use essential oils from Urban Essentials Oslo in different ways to care for myself and my environment. I for example ..
1. Drink water with copaiba
2. Make a scented rice diffuser
3. Make scented cotton pads for my closet

I have partnered up with Urban Essentials Oslo to give away a blend of essential oils called “I Love Myself” to 3 of you beautiful Human Sunflowers. I’ll pick the winners on the 26th of July!
Win “I love myself” essential oil
1. Follow @martinesorthe & @urban.essentials.oslo on Instagram
2. Subscribe to Martine Sorthe on YouTube
3. Tag a friend and comment what self-love means to you

You might be wondering what an essential oil is? Read this one Dr. Axe!