Hello human sunflowers!
Today, I talk about how to reframe the nagging question “What am I going to do for the rest of my life” to “In what direction will I travel next?”
In sum, I share how you can find a way in life and career, even when you feel overwhelmed and anxious about the future.
❀ Give yourself room to breathe.
❀ Understand that few do one thing as a living.
❀ Set short time goals instead of long-term ones.
❀ The reward of finding your way through life and career is the exploration itself.
❀ Don’t argue with anyone about why you do what you do.

If you haven’t seen the first video where I talk about my quarter-life crisis and how to embrace fears, here you go..
Now, I’m on a journey to learn and grow. Therefore, I’d truly appreciate any additional thoughts and comments on finding direction, embracing fear, and handling a quarter-life crisis. Let me and the other human sunflowers know in the comment field below.