Hello, human sunflowers!
After some time on the road, I’m happy to finally sit down and have a personal growth + lifestyle design talk again. To wilt, fall, root, rise, and bloom together with you.
In this video, I get personal. I talk about how I experienced my millennial quarter-life crisis and how I embraced my fears as well as the uncertainty of the future.
Get Your FREE 7-step List Your Fears Worksheet
My hope with this video is that you can connect with my story and feel less alone about the confusion and despair a quarter-life crisis brings. I sincerely cross my fingers that you also feel more equipped to list and face your fears. Remember the clue to embracing your fears: (1) Educate yourself on fears, (2) List your fears, (3) Face your fears. That will bring you a long way through your quarter-life crisis.
I believe a quarter-life crisis as any other crisis in life that shakes you up a bit is necessary to find YOUR direction in life. I will continue the conversation on exactly that in the next video. Then, I’ll try to explain how I managed to reframe the nagging question “What am I gonna do for the rest of my life?” to “In what direction will I travel next?”..

Get Your FREE 7-step List Your Fears Worksheet

// M E N T I O N E D I N V I D E O
→ List Your Fears Worksheet
→ Podcast: Tiny Steps, Big Changes by Greg Clunis – Episode 269 How to Overcome Your Fears (feat. Akshay Nanavati)
→ Book: Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
→ TED talk: Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals

I would truly appreciate to hear from you about the topics of quarter-life crisis and fear.
Have you ever experienced a quarter-life crisis? Or are you going through one right now? How did/do you deal with it?
And do you have additional tips on how to embrace and face fears? Facing fears is a life-long project and the fuel for personal growth, isn’t it?