Welcome to a new, clean, fresh start of martinesorthe.com. I’m so grateful that you’re here.
Lately, I’ve been wilting, falling, rooting, and rising. Now, I’m finally ready to bloom. With you.
January. February. March. April. That’s over a quarter of a year.. I’ve never spent a quarter of a year to take care of myself. I’ve always spent them rushing around, striving, stressing, accomplishing. I’ve never completely understood the profound impact it can have on a soul to stop, feel and breath. I understand it now. Oh, how I understand it now.
It wasn’t before lately that I found new roots. New roots came to being after months of nourishment. Countless hours of yoga. A lot alone time. Several notebooks written. Piles of self-help books. Podcasts on a sunday morning. My skin soaked in coconut oil. Hugs from my mom and dad. I think I understand now, that you need nourishment and time in order to rise. To find strength, to find courage to continue on this beautiful journey of life.
Oh, how beautiful it is to rise. Oh, how beautiful it is to wake up in the morning and find stillness. Oh, how beautiful it is to listen to birds singing outside, to smell the fresh spring air and to feel the sunshine again. I feel like a sunflower. Actually, I’m a human sunflower. I’m growing towards the light.
I smile again. I’m creative again. I’m alive again. And I’m ready to create my dream life and help you do the same. This website, and my whole life, is now gonna be all about personal growth and lifestyle design. Yes.
It’s all about personal growth and lifestyle design.
I want to share all my knowledge and inspiration that sprouts from this beautiful journey, so that I can perhaps empower others to embrace their true potential and create their dream life as well.
I believe that at our best, we’re meant to love our lives and make a positive impact with the gifts we are given. We’re supposed to shine light. My wish is that we all would dare to be bold, take a chance on ourselves and set out to create our dream lives. May we all learn to live fully and completely; to be alive, vibrant, and well!
For the human sunflower.
A human sunflower is someone who knows that she won’t be here for long but still chooses to live her brightest life.
To her, life is about growth – it is about wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming. With this in mind, she sets out to create a life unique to her, one that she absolutely loves.
She basks in the sunshine and always grows towards the light. Only when she is fully nourished will she finally open.
The human sunflower doesn’t have to do anything but be herself, and when fully nourished she will naturally attract connection from other creatures.
She knows that from the place of nourishment and deep connection with herself, she can feel a sense of safety and rightness about the way she is in the world.
From that place, she can approach connection with others, not from a sense of lack, but from a genuine sense of wholeness, real-ness and giving.
As the light comes and goes, she may not always know where she’s going or what she’s doing, but she lets her heart and intuition lead. Uncertainty and risk are just part of the growth process.
This process of living is a dance between the human sunflower’s intention and a divine guide. As her life unfolds, so does her blooming.
In the end, her life is beyond what she could have imagined in the beginning. Now, she is the sun. She is the light.

Good to know before we get this started.
You’re more than welcome to read my full story and learn more about why I wanted to create a community of human sunflowers. In addition, I encourage you to check my complete list of books I’ve read and my list of favorite books. I update the lists continuously.
My Martine Sorthe YouTube will be updated every WED & FRI 3 p.m. EST with videos on how to create a life you love filled with meaning. The YouTube Channel is for the courageous, the fearless, and the dreamers who believe. For those who are kind, curious, and conscious, with an open mind, a love for learning, and a deep desire to live a brilliant and vibrant life.
Get free resources & lifestyle inspiration from me every Tuesday 10 a.m. EST by signing up for the Human Sunflower Newsletter.
Make sure to follow me on Bloglovin’ to get updates whenever new content about personal growth + lifestyle design is up. I’m getting daily inspiration through Pinterest and would love to have you follow me there as well. You’ll also of course find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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