Today, notice your self-talk. Take note of whether you congratulate yourself for your successes or denigrate yourself when you don’t achieve your goals. I for example, feel upset when I don’t get feedback on my personal growth videos that I’ve put a lot of effort into making – but I’m happy that I’m focusing on my positive self-talk: “I’m hard-working, knowledgable & courageous. I’m patient.” Do you dwell on what you like about yourself in a way that encourages you? Or are you excessively self-critical? Often, what we articulate either out load or in the privacy of our own minds and hearts sets the stag for the reality that we live. Our thoughts to ourselves about ourselves can either elevate us or limit us. Today, if you notice yourself mentally lodged in a place of self-criticism or harsh self-talk, actively shift your behaviour by refocusing on your positive qualities, choosing to speak to yourself with love.
Start your positive self-talk by silently asking yourself: “Do you love myself?” Can you answer yes to this question without hesitation or qualifications? Without feeling egotistical or embarrassed? Many of us will consider this a very difficult question to answer. It is like being asked whether we are in love with someone we hadn’t really considered loving before. It might never have occurred to us to fall in love with ourselves. But why not? We must love ourselves. If we don’t, how can we expect others to love us? And how can we love others in a wholehearted, honest way? Fall in love with yourself through your self-talk. It is the most meaningful love affair you can have.

Sending you light & love! Make sure to watch the video on Gratitude: The Most Powerful Practice You’re Not Doing + Worksheet | Emotional Resilience, and download the worksheet 10 Minutes to Recognize the Good Stuff. It may help you becoming grateful for being YOU!
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