Gratitude needs no explanation. But it short, gratitude is the key to living a happy and fulfilled life, no matter where you are and what you have.
Today’s video – the first of five parts in the Emotional Resilience series – will help you understand gratitude and how you can apply it in your life. In addition, I show you the gratitude worksheet that you can download for FREE! The perfect worksheet for you who (1) is developing a gratitude routine or (2) is experiencing a gratitude fatigue.
Download the free PDF: 10 Minutes to Recognize the Good Stuff
To give you the best of the best information, I have done lots of research by reading books written by experts within the field: Gratitude Works! A 21-day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity by Robert A. Emmons and The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness by Amit Wood.
With this in mind, I hope I can provide you with useful & actionable knowledge, and remind you to be grateful for every little thing in your life, because really, when it comes to gratitude, the dividends are in the details.

I have put down MANY hours to make this gratitude video, so I’d be super thankful to get feedback on what you think! Was the content creative & engaging? Was it useful? Have you learned something you can apply in your own life?

Other episodes in the Emotional Resilience series
Emotional Spring Cleaning: Building Emotional Resilience
Compassion: Because Everyone Is Walking a Difficult Path | Emotional Resilience

Comment below with 5 things you’re grateful for today!