Good morning, human sunflowers. How are you doing? Wilting, falling, rooting, rising or blooming today? I woke up to sun pouring in my windows today, and I caught myself smiling. Smiling because spring is here, and I feel like I’m growing just like the sunflower I’ve planted recently. Smiling because I’ve dared to face my fear of letting go of my day-time job to kick-start this personal growth + lifestyle design journey with you. Smiling because I get to wake up to be creative every single day. Life is truly what you make it.

I wanted to encourage you to join me this week for the 7 Acts of Kindness Challenge. You’re more than welcome to download the free worksheet that I’ve made. If you missed the video, check out my video on how to do the worksheet. When you sign up for the worksheet you will also automatically get the Human Sunflower Insights newsletter tomorrow, where I share some goodies, inspiration and thoughts. Currently I have 2 wonderful subscribers, but I’d love to have more people join. You’d be very special to me!

Do one simple act of kindness a day and simply write it down! Reflect upon this: When you give to others, you generate positive energy. It doesn’t take much to help other people feel good about themselves. This could be leaving a thoughtful note for someone, offering a compliment, holding a door open, or giving someone some handpicked flowers! (I picked my mom a bouquet of Northern “Hvitveis” yesterday – and yes, she smiled 😊) The gesture may be small but it is a gift that will feel substantial to the person who receives it. Okay guys, have a lovely Monday.

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