Hey loves!
#BloomChallenge with the #BloomGuide
As we’re approaching December and the end of 2018, I thought it would be a great idea to to set up a #BloomChallenge with the #BloomGuide! All you need to do is to SIGN UP TO GET THE GUIDE, print it out and be ready to start the challenge on December 1st!
Most people will await with their personal development work to January 1st. You know… Hit the gym, order books from Amazon, listen to podcasts, learn new recipes, write goals, etc.
However, few overlook their perfectionistic patterns (poverty pattern, busy pattern, blame pattern, procrastination pattern, delusion pattern). There’s no point in setting goals for the new year if you’re held back by these patterns. You’ll then just constantly fall back into old habits. That’s no fun, right?!
So – to unlock your potential next year, you need to do some groundwork. Some Wholehearted work.
That’s what the #BloomChallenge is about. It’s gonna help you Bloom Beyond Perfectionism and guide you to a Wholehearted way of living, meaning that you let courage, compassion and connection lead your decisions and actions in life.
You know that this is the 31-Day Challenge for you if you want to…
- Learn specific skills to help identify and change unproductive and unhealthy thinking patterns,
- Do exercises to increase your tolerance of the stress and fear associated with making mistakes and being judged unfavorably,
- Have a practical guide to manage your personal and professional expectations in a realistic and reaffirming way.
Sounds like something you’re interested in? Sign up to get the guide HERE!
By joining the challenge, you get to:
The best part about joining the challenge? You get:

BBP Live Streams
In October and November, I did live streams on Perfectionism & x Topic on Facebook & Instagram with coaches, entrepreneurs and interesting people I’ve met on my journey. If you haven’t been able to watch, you can find all the live streams HERE.
In December, I’ve mixed up the live streams a bit. You can expect BBP Q&A / Martine’s Life Beyond Coaching Live Streams on Mondays, and BBP Coaching F2F Live Streams on Fridays. Follow the live streams by befriending me on Facebook and follow me on Instagram!

Stay connected!
Do you have questions about perfectionism that you’d like to be answered live? Or would you like to be coached live?
I’d SO appreciate that you reach out to me! Simply hit reply to this email or send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram.
Will you join the #BloomChallenge with the #BloomGuide?
Make sure to join the Bloom Beyond Perfectionism Facebook Community and hashtag #BloomGuide + #BloomChallenge + #BloomBeyondPerfectionism + @martinesorthe on your posts and stories on Instagram! I’ll of course give you a big shoutout and maybe a little Christmas present if you do!

In gratitude,

Wholehearted Coach + Worthiness Mentor
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂